Accounting, 144–148
Administrator, 125
changing workforce, serving, 128–130
hiring outsiders, 132–134
internal networking for learning, facilitating, 130–132
learning management system (LMS), 134–136
software company, case study, 126–128
training project, quality assessment, 137
training project management, 136–137
Adult learners, 83, 84, 108, 117, 128
Agency’s vision thing, 75–76
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 100–102
Brainstorming, 49–50
Budget keeper, 141
budgeting and accounting, 144–148
make-or-buy decision, 148–151
productivity, 144–146
reporting relationships, 142, 144
return on investment (ROI), 146–148
training operation, as cost center, 143
training operation, ...
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