
Figures in italics refer to captions, figures in bold refer to case studies

Aalam, Kat and Oz (Damsel) 102, 172

accountants 26, 35, 182, 183, 187

added value 43, 108, 109

Adidas 51

Adler, Silas (Soulland) 174

advertising 434, 83, 108, 155, 169

Agent Provocateur 163

allocators 72

angel financing 180 146

assessing yourself 25

Assirati, Simon 158

attorneys 26, 33, 34, 37, 138, 141, 142

Audigier, Christian 54, 55

banks 179

Bathing Ape, A 162, 189

Belle & Bunty 1689, 169

Berliner, Jacob Kampp (Soulland) 174

bespoke 9

book-keeping 1867

Bora Aksu 9

boutiques 10, 96, 146, 188

brand names/trademarks 38, 436, 47, 50, 189

Burberry 10

Burton 15

business cards 135, 162

business corporations 345, 38, 46, 47

business plans 1803

businesses, ...

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