
ability tests, 68

above-market compensation, 82–83

absenteeism, 166

adverse impact, 22–23

affect, influence in performance appraisal, 125

affirmative action

diversity management vs., 32, 33–34

vs. ideal behavior in hiring practices, 17–19

legal requirements for, 35, 70

program development, 19–20

affirmative action policy, applying, 33–34

African Americans, 38–39

age discrimination, 40

Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 22

AIDS, 154

alcohol-related misconduct, 167–168

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 20–21, 39, 154, 155

appeals procedures, 146, 164

application forms, 67

Asian Americans, 39

assessment. See also performance appraisal

in creating development plans, 116

of training, 110–112

attendance problems, 166

audiovisual communication, ...

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