
  1. 11.1 What does the following code do?

    In [1]: def mystery(a, b):
       ...:     if b == 1:
       ...:        return a
       ...:     else:
       ...:        return a + mystery(a, b - 1)
    In [2]: mystery(2, 10)
    Out[2]: ?????
  2. 11.2 Find the logic error(s) in the following recursive function, and explain how to correct it (them). This function should find the sum of the values from 0 to n.

    In [3]: def sum(n):
       ...:     if n == 0:
       ...:        return 0
       ...:     else:
       ...:        return n + sum(n)
  3. 11.3 What does the following code do?

    In [4]: def mystery(a_array, size):
       ...:     if size == 1:
       ...:        return a_array[0]
       ...:     else:
       ...:        return a_array[size - 1] + mystery(a_array, size - 1)
    In [5]: import numpy as np
    In [6]: numbers = np.arange(1, 11)
    In [7]: mystery(numbers, len(numbers)) ...

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