

AAC. See Advanced Audio Coding
ACB. See Associative coder of Buyanovsky
Action units (AU), 650
Adaptive arithmetic coding, 119, 130
cumulative count table, 119
static arithmetic code, 120
Adaptive codebook, 605, 612613
Adaptive dictionary, 139
LZ77 approach, 139
example, 140
implementation of, 150151
theme variations, 143
LZ78 approach, 143
example, 144
LZW algorithm, 145, 147
theme variations, 145
Adaptive differential PCM (ADPCM), 484
Adaptive Huffman coding, 6768
characteristics, 6768
decoding procedure, 7374
encoding procedure, 7172
example, 72
flowchart, 72
update procedure, 66, 70
adaptive Huffman coding algorithm, 69
adaptive Huffman tree, 71
example, 70
external node, 6970
NYT node, 70
Adaptive model, 19
Adaptive prediction ...

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