Chapter 3

Pondering Platform Pros and Cons

In This Chapter

Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of platform standardization

Solving problems with standardization

Comparing open source and closed source standards

Seeing beyond standards to business requirements

Before you can build or restructure an enterprise network, you must lay down detailed plans to ensure that the necessary resources are present, technologies are both compatible and useful, and the proper infrastructure is in place to support the enterprise.

This chapter introduces the concept of platform architecture, its benefits, and the obstacles that lie in the way of standardization. We also discuss open source versus closed source software and issues with each that you need to understand when you consider these options.

Standardizing Your Platform — or Not

An enterprise architecture plan is much like a construction blueprint. Just as the foundation of a building determines whether you will build a shack or a skyscraper, choice of platform architecture helps you determine what computing environment and administrative methods may work best.

A common first step of architectural planning is to establish suitable standards for the body of technologies used by the enterprise. These platform architecture standards can include the following:

Approved hardware platforms

Operating systems

Programming environments (languages and development tools)

Database management systems

Desktop and server configurations

Mobile technology ...

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