Line manipulation

While the word manipulation functionality of sed is great, it also allows us to manipulate whole lines. For example, we can delete certain lines, by number:

reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_10$ echo -e "Hi,\nthis is \nPatrick"Hi,this is Patrickreader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_10$ echo -e "Hi,\nthis is \nPatrick" | sed 'd'reader@ubuntu:~/scripts/chapter_10$ echo -e "Hi,\nthis is \nPatrick" | sed '1d'this is Patrick

By using echo -e combined with the newline character (\n), we can create multi-line statements. -e is explained on the man echo page as enable interpretation of backslash escapes. By piping this multi-line output into sed, we can use the delete functionality, which is a script that simply uses the character d.

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