Chapter 12. Epilogue: Apache Spark 3.0
At the time we were writing this book, Apache Spark 3.0 had not yet been officially released; it was still under development, and we got to work with Spark 3.0.0-preview2. All the code samples in this book have been tested against Spark 3.0.0-preview2, and they should work no differently with the official Spark 3.0 release. Whenever possible in the chapters, where relevant, we mentioned when features were new additions or behaviors in Spark 3.0. In this chapter, we survey the changes.
The bug fixes and feature enhancements are numerous, so for brevity, we highlight just a selection of the notable changes and features pertaining to Spark components. Some of the new features are, under the hood, advanced and beyond the scope of this book, but we mention them here so you can explore them when the release is generally available.
Spark Core and Spark SQL
Let’s first consider what’s new under the covers. A number of changes have been introduced in Spark Core and the Spark SQL engine to help speed up queries. One way to expedite queries is to read less data using dynamic partition pruning. Another is to adapt and optimize query plans during execution.
Dynamic Partition Pruning
The idea behind dynamic partition pruning (DPP) is to skip over the data you don’t need in a query’s results. The typical scenario where DPP is optimal is when you are joining two tables: a fact table (partitioned over multiple columns) and a dimension table (nonpartitioned), ...
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