
  1. ○ Read up on one of the language technologies mentioned in this section, such as word sense disambiguation, semantic role labeling, question answering, machine translation, or named entity recognition. Find out what type and quantity of annotated data is required for developing such systems. Why do you think a large amount of data is required?

  2. ○ Using any of the three classifiers described in this chapter, and any features you can think of, build the best name gender classifier you can. Begin by splitting the Names Corpus into three subsets: 500 words for the test set, 500 words for the dev-test set, and the remaining 6,900 words for the training set. Then, starting with the example name gender classifier, make incremental improvements. Use the dev-test set to check your progress. Once you are satisfied with your classifier, check its final performance on the test set. How does the performance on the test set compare to the performance on the dev-test set? Is this what you’d expect?

  3. ○ The Senseval 2 Corpus contains data intended to train word-sense disambiguation classifiers. It contains data for four words: hard, interest, line, and serve. Choose one of these four words, and load the corresponding data:

    >>> from nltk.corpus import senseval
    >>> instances = senseval.instances('hard.pos')
    >>> size = int(len(instances) * 0.1)
    >>> train_set, test_set = instances[size:], instances[:size]

    Using this dataset, build a classifier that predicts the correct sense tag for a given instance. ...

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