© Brian Peasland 2019
Brian PeaslandOracle DBA Mentorhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4321-3_11

11. Tools

Brian Peasland1 
Fargo, ND, USA

In this chapter, we will explore a few of the tools at our disposal to help manage the Oracle database. We have already been using one of the tools, SQL*Plus. We will explore that tool more fully as well as a few others.

The Oracle database administrator needs to know which tools to leverage for the job, no different than a carpenter or a mechanic. The right tool for the right job can make your life simpler. Just like you would use a hammer to pound in a nail, you would use the Database Configuration Assistant to create a database.

I could write a chapter devoted to each of the tools discussed here. To keep ...

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