© Brian Peasland 2019
Brian PeaslandOracle DBA Mentorhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4321-3_1

1. Introduction

Brian Peasland1 
Fargo, ND, USA

If you have grabbed a copy of this book, you most likely have landed (or are hoping to land) a job as an Oracle database administrator (DBA) and are looking for assistance on the next steps in your career. There are plenty of books on the market that will relate tons of technical information on how the Oracle database works. I have many such books in my library. Those books provide a wealth of useful information and are great resources.

As the title of this book indicates, it is intended to serve as a mentor to you in your career as a DBA. A mentor is often there to work hand in hand with the mentee, guiding ...

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