© Sulaymon L. Eshkabilov 2020
S. L. EshkabilovPractical MATLAB Modeling with Simulinkhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5799-9_3

3. Numerical Methods for Second-Order ODEs

Sulaymon L. Eshkabilov1 
Ag & Biosystems Engineering Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA
Second-order or higher-order ODEs are vital for a broad range of problems in physics, engineering, and natural sciences. For instance, wave equations, electromagnetic phenomena, heat conduction, and fluid mechanics are modeled with second-order or higher-order ODEs. In general, second-order ODEs take the form shown in Equation (3-1).
$$ \frac{d^2y}{dt^2}=f\left(t,y,\frac{dy}{dt}\right), $$

In general, the independent variable ...

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