abbreviations xvii

abstraction levels 21718, 2245

abstract test cases 7

acceptance criteria (AC) 172, 1734, 234, 2368, 2423

acceptance tests 1734

activity diagrams 229

ad hoc testing 17

AETG (Automatic Efficient Test Generator) System 204

all-actions criterion 99

all configurations criterion 100

all-events criterion 99

all loop-free paths criterion 100

all-n-transitions criterion 100

all-one-loop paths criterion 100

all-path criterion 100

all-round-trip paths criterion 100

all-states criterion 99

all-transition-pairs criterion 99

all-transitions criterion 99

all-transition-state criterion 1012, 1045, 112, 120, 2267

all-transition–transition criterion 99, 1023, 105

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 74

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