Book description
“A must-have book for today's quiet warriors.”—Susan Cain, New York Times bestselling author of Quiet and Quiet Power and cofounder of Quiet Revolution
How does a self-described "extreme introvert" thrive in a world where extroverts are rewarded and social institutions are set up in their favor? Using her extraordinary personal story as a "case study of one," author Jill Chang shows that introverts hold tremendous untapped potential for success. Chang describes how she succeeded internationally in fields that are filled with extroverts, including as an agent for Major League Baseball players, a manager of a team across more than twenty countries, and a leading figure in international philanthropy. Instead of changing herself to fit an extroverted mold, she learned to embrace her introversion, turning it from a disadvantage to the reason she was able to accomplish great goals and excel in tasks that her extroverted peers missed. She offers advice on the best jobs for introverts, overcoming the additional difficulties language and cultural barriers can present, thriving at social events and business presentations, leveraging the special leadership traits of introverts, and much more. Part memoir and part career guide, this book gives introverts the tools to understand how they can form relationships, advance in the career path, excel in cross-cultural workplaces, and navigate extroverted settings without compromising comfort or personality.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Introduction
Part 1: First Steps for Tackling the Workplace
- 1. The Tangled Lives of Introverted Nine-to-Fivers
- 2. Broadening Your Horizons by Breaking into the Extrovert’s Cultural Sphere
- 3. The Tragedy of Language Barriers
- 4. The Big Differences between Introverts and Extroverts in the Workplace
- 5. Which Jobs Are Suitable for Introverts?
- 6. Tips for Adapting to a New Environment with Zero Stress
Part 2: Introverts Getting Interpersonal
- 7. Quality, Not Quantity
- 8. You Don’t Want to Face Interpersonal Conflicts, But . . .
- 9. Shaking Off the Emotional Influences of Others
- 10. Communication Tools—Choosing Them Wisely, Using Them Effectively
- 11. Cool and Collected on the Negotiating Battlefield
- 12. Advice for Introverts Who Travel Frequently for Work
- 13. Introverts in a Cross-Cultural Workplace
Part 3: Great Introvert Counterstrikes for Social Events
- 14. Using an Introvert’s Traits to Turn Social Events into Your Home Field
- 15. Deciding Whether to Go
- 16. Preparing Before a Social Event
- 17. Practical Advice for Adapting to Social Occasions
- 18. Getting Up on Stage
- 19. Does Staying Silent Mean You’re Not Contributing?
- 20. Picking an Appropriate Social Platform
- Part 4: Show Your Natural Talent! Self-Advancement for Introverts
- In Closing
- Bibliography
- Acknowledgments
- Index
- About the Author
Product information
- Title: Quiet Is a Superpower
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2020
- Publisher(s): Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- ISBN: 9781523088478
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