
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Absolute deadline 449–450, 450f
Abstract class 136f, 137–138, 158–159
Abstract data types 135
Abstraction 156–158, 157f
Abstraction-Occurrence pattern 253, 254
Acceptance test 452–455, 453f, 455f, 457–458
Access bank 50
Accumulative CPU utilization 424, 424t
Acked-unidirectional queuing pattern 533–534, 533f
Action 254–255, 255f
Active I/O devices 372
Activity diagram 
action nodes 217
control nodes 216
expansion region 219, 220
flow final node 219
object nodes 217
software process 217–218, 218f
stream mode 218f, 220–221
Actor 133, 203, 207, 208t, 209, 209t
Aggregation 150, 150f
Analysis Models package 248, 248f
Anonymous pipes 550
Antenna position subsystem  ...

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