

Page numbers in italics denote tables, those in bold denote figures.

Achtenhagen, L. 7, 16, 646, 71

Acker, J. 141, 149

activism 37; national social movement 34; as personal commitment 76; student, 1960s 34; see also conceptual activism

Agamben, G. 126

Ahl, H.J. 13940, 160, 202, 219

Albrecht, J. 158, 164

Al-Dajani, H. 8, 160

Alvesson, M. 7, 65, 68, 122, 231

Armstrong, P. 78

Aronson, J. 142

Arthur, M.B. 228

assemblage 179; classroom, intervention in 192; of course process 186; dominant, of current academic education 192; educational process, taken-for-granted 190; of learning process, ongoing 186; process of each course session 193; thinking 1912

assumption(s) 6, 84, 124, 219; blind 101; brought into project 92; common-sense 123; contradictory ...

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