CHAPTER 19More Smart Calling Success Tips
To wrap up this book, I’ll share some additional brief tips you can use in your Smart Calling.
Send an Email to Find the Buyer
If you don’t know the decision maker’s name and are having trouble getting cooperation from screeners, then consider using electronic methods. Browse the company’s site and look for the “Contact Us” information. Send an email to the address indicated or to one of the departments that might be more appropriate. Say something like “I was at your site and could not locate the address and name of your Director of Finance. Could you please reply with that information so I can contact them directly?”
Easy Way to Find More Buyers
Here’s an idea for getting referrals: If you run across a start-up company while prospecting, ask your contact for someone to talk to at their previous employer. Often, start-ups are spawned from larger companies that are in similar businesses and buying like items.
Smart Calling Success
Here’s a success story from a fellow Smart Caller:
In my business (software), I have a limited number of accounts to reach each year. Here is a tip I use when prospecting into the corporate headquarters.
Before I ever talk to the Chief Information Officer or decision maker, I try to get a referral from a smaller division or subsidiary (they are easier to talk to and easier to get on the phone).
Example: “So-and-so referred me to you because you have the largest network and everything is controlled through ...
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