Chapter 5The SQA World – An Overview

Today's software quality assurance (SQA) world comprises a great variety of components, belonging to six distinct areas – all of which are discussed in this book.

Just before we dive into the details of SQA processes, activities, and tasks, we will take a short tour to the SQA process areas in the world of software quality assurance. I hope the “guided tour” will help you plan your reading of this book, and especially strengthen your will to read it.

We start our tour with a visit to the introductory area, where we will be examining several basic issues.

5.1 First Area: Introductory Topics (Part I of the Book)

The following issues will be presented in the area:

  • SQA – definitions and concepts
  • Software quality factors (attributes)
  • SQA challenges
  • Organization for assuring software quality

5.1.1 SQA – Definitions and Concepts (Chapter 1)

A combination of two rivaling classic definitions for software quality is presented in the IEEE's definition of software quality: (a) Software quality is the degree to which a software system meets specified requirements, and (b) it is also the degree to which a software system fulfils customer or user needs and expectations.

Software quality assurance is defined as an “Asset of activities that define and assess the adequacy of a software process to provide evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate for, and produce, software products of suitable quality for their intended ...

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