

4-pane dashboard design, 217218

32-bit architecture, 481

64-bit architecture, 481

80-20 Rule, 204207

1000-gig laptop, 481


ABS function, 400

ACOS function, 400

ACT case study, 386389

Action dialog box, 251254

actions, 481

filter actions, 486

formatting, 191192

highlight actions, 487

navigation and, 245254

versus Quick Filters, 218219

URL, 491

AD (Active Directory), 329330

ad hoc analysis, 161174

Advanced Parameters, 132135

aggregate functions, 395, 481

Count, 110

Count Distinct, 110

Median, 110

Sum, 113

aggregation, 2324, 110112, 481

Aleknonyte, Giedra, 491

aliases, data quality and, 62

Amazon EC2, 312313

Analysis menu, 19

animated visualization, 481

maps, 159160

application layer, Tableau Server, 325326

area fill charts, 7172

artistic-bent, 482

ascending sort, by category, 82

Ascending Sort button, 21

ASCII function, 401

ASIN function, 402

ATAN function, 402

ATAN2 function, 403

ATTR function, 403404

attributes, 25

aggregation, 111112

Auto Update button, 21

AVG function, 404405


dual, table calculations and, 126

fixed axis, 486

headings, editing/removing titles, 181182

labels, 482

hiding, 239240

parameterized, 187188

push pin axis, 21

trend lines and, 8081


bar charts, 6

bar-in-bar, 201202

side-by-side, 6970

stacked, 6970

BARC (Business Application Research Center), 4

bar-in-bar charts, 201202

Basic Parameters, 129131

batch files, scripts, 364368

Beautiful Evidence (Tufte), 207

beta testers, 482

BI (business information) systems, ...

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