Paragraph 5.2.1
Use “statement of cash flows” as opposed to “cash flow statement”, in line with the post-2007 versions of IAS 1, although this standard permits alternative titles.
Paragraph 5.2.4
For foreign private issuers: consider the alternative types of statement of cash flows allowed in SEC filings, and related disclosure requirements.
Paragraph 5.3.2
Review which items meet the criteria for unrestricted cash and which ones require separate presentation, also considering the guidance applicable to specific industries.
Paragraph 5.3.3
Define and justify an accounting policy for bank overdrafts under IFRSs.
Paragraph 5.3.4
Check the compliance with the definition criteria of cash equivalents;
Be able to demonstrate that the risk of changes in value of cash equivalents is insignificant;
Distinguish cash equivalents from held-to-maturity securities sold within three months of maturity date;
Exclude equity instruments from cash equivalents, apart from specific exceptions;
Define an accounting policy for cash equivalents, also considering guidance applicable to specific industries. Explain composition of cash and cash equivalents;
Exclude restricted cash from cash and cash equivalents;
Compare the 12-month criterion under IFRSs to the current operations concept under U.S. GAAP;
Compare the treatment of cash and cash equivalents to be used in the current period to settle current liabilities under IFRSs versus the treatment ...

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