24Thinking About an Ecology of Learning, from People to the Organization

24.1. Introduction

24.1.1. Learning as metanoia: a behavioral transformation

If we refer to the origin of ancient Greek texts, metanoia meant a change of state of mind, transcendence, mutation, in the profound sense of learning as the realization of a transformation.

In this sense, learning naturally imposes itself as an increase in knowledge, and also as the development of capacities to adapt, change, evolve and build a future. As a result, the vast field of soft skills and, more generally, the requirement of evolution of the behavioral dimension of the actors concerned are emerging.

This introduction of the range of learning for everyone is accompanied by the need to examine the environment (from the team to the company), in order to mobilize new learning conditions and modalities, and establish a learning mindset.

24.1.2. Learning in a systems approach: the learning organization

Peter Senge (2006) expressed it in a rather pioneering way 25 years ago in La cinquième discipline, and no one disputes it today: we are faced with the imperative need to adapt through lifelong learning, the keys to which lie with both the individual and the collective, and it is therefore necessary to consider it at both the individual and organizational levels.

It is the congruence and synergy of actions at these two levels that will enable these individual, collective and organizational apprenticeships to be translated ...

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