

Abnormalities, dealing with, 4344

Accountability (see discipline and accountability (D ‘n’ A))

Action(s), 37

committing to, 129132

mapping a course of, 148149

“Aha” moments, 4546, 69

Andons, 26, 44, 45, 53, 96

Apparent causes, root vs., 143144

Apple, 75, 76

Asian culture, 34

Assembly department, 26, 27, 169

Assimilation process, 26


as barrier, 103104

facts vs., 110113

ATAR acronym, 109

A3 problem-solving method:

and D ‘n’ A, 8589

in fictional example, 114, 115

and Get to Solution, 144, 155156

and Get to Standardization, 166171

and Grasp the Situation, 221, 222

managers and, 119

Attendance policy, 7980

“Big company ...

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