Chapter 7. AI Transformation and Use Cases


This is the start of the AI transformation era. The most successful companies will be the ones who embed AI most deeply, who infuse AI broadly throughout the entire org, and push responsibility to use, train, and manage AI down to the lowest capable levels of the firm.

In this chapter I will cover two major topics:

  • AI transformation and leadership

  • Use case discovery, rubrics, and unlocking your own experts

This chapter also has extensive guidance on how to identify high-impact areas to apply AI. Examples include evaluation rubrics you can use to test your ideas, example questions to ask, and common missteps to avoid. If you want to dive straight into implementation details, the use case section may be most valuable to you. Moving to implementation, it’s important to set a talent vision, which is something we’ll go over. “The New “Crowd Sourcing”: Your Own Experts” will empower you to achieve your use cases in a cost-effective manner by repurposing existing work.

After reading this chapter, you will have a strong grasp of how to:

  • Start your AI transformation at your work today.

  • Evaluate AI use cases for your business.

  • Define training data knowledge needs for yourself and your organization.

  • Understand how to adopt modern tools and start aligning your team, peers, and staff with the goals of working with training data.

When you have the mindset, the leader, the use case, and the talent vision, you can use modern ...

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