
Note: Page numbers with “f” and “t” denote figures and tables, respectively.

Absolute differential methods
ephemeris error, 291
ionospheric delay, 292
IPP, 294
reference station clock, 291–292
tropospheric delay, 292–293
Accelerometer, 24–25, 25f
Active hydrogen maser (AHM), 45
Air navigation, 357
Analog to digital converter (ADC), 173, 174f
Antenna, 167–168
Asymmetric/two-key cryptosystems, 132
Atmospheric noise/sky noise, 167
Attitude determination
body frame, 364
directional cosines, 363
measurements and estimations, 364–366
relative orientation, 363
Bancroft’s method, 233–236
Bandpass sampling (BPS), 173
Baseband signal processor
closed loop arrangement, 181, 181f
code and carrier wipe off section, 179, 180f
double estimation, 200–201
FDMA and CDMA system ...

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