
accountability, 52

Adams, Scott, 156

addiction, 54

Alcoholics Anonymous, 54

Amistad (film), 65

amygdala, 17

analysis, 51

Andy Griffith Show, 133–134

appreciations, 43–44

archetypal stories, 162


hidden, 127

patterns of, 162

assumptions, 110

hidden, 157

in objective thinking, 173


learning about, 145–148

“reading,” 171–172

Australian Open, 163

authenticity, 37

averages, 146–147

behaviors, teaching, 81–83

belongingness, 162

bias, 172–173

big stories, 161–170

as archetypal stories, 162

choosing, 164–166

to create belongingness and solidarity, 168–170

deviance of creative ideas for, 163–164

and quality of decision-making/thinking routines of group, 162

as self-diagnostic process, 166–168

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