Chapter 12. Directory Listings

The default Apache HTTP Server package includes a module, mod_autoindex, for displaying a directory listing as a Web page. The default display is simple and informative, but the module provides all sorts of controls to let you tweak and customize the output.

12.1. Generating Directory/Folder Listings


You want to see a directory listing when a directory is requested.


Turn on Options Indexes for the directory in question:

<Directory /www/htdocs/images>
    Options +Indexes


When a URL maps to a directory or folder in the filesystem, Apache will respond to the request in one of three ways:

  1. If mod_dir is part of the server configuration, and the mapped directory is within the scope of a DirectoryIndex directive, and the server can find one of the files identified in that directive, then the file will be used to generate the response.

  2. If mod_autoindex is part of the server configuration and the mapped directory is within the scope of an Options directive that has enabled the Indexes keyword, then the server will construct a directory listing at runtime and supply it as the response.

  3. The server will return a 404 (“Resource Not Found”) status.

Enabling directory listings

The real keys to enabling the server’s ability to automatically generate a listing of files in a directory are the inclusion of mod_autoindex in the configuration and the Indexes keyword to the Options directive. This can be done either as an absolute form, as in:

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