Book description
This is a guide to building innovative, creativity-rich organizations through astute and skillful management. Whatever the end goal, this book provides a systematic process for managing focused, usable innovation - without the micro-managing that can stifle creativity. With examples from McDonald's, Toyota, Palm (Pilot), 3M, Sony, Singapore Airlines and others, this model helps managers and executives: nurture an environment of innovation; support market-focused innovation through effective policies; gather expert feedback to properly evaluate innovations; develop and launch innovations successfully; and project future trends and developments.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Half title
- Title
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- 1. The Strategic Impetus for Innovation
Part One: The Business of Innovation
- 2. The Miracle of Systems
- 3. A Model for Managing Innovation
- 4. Nurturing Innovation
- 5. Innovation with A Purpose
- 6. Developing the Capacity to Innovate
7. Crafting the Innovating Organization
- What Structure Is Best?
- Organizing for an Innovative Future
- Recent Developments in Organizational Thinking
- Different Types of Organization Structure
- A Low-Tech Example of a High-Tech Challenge
- Upsetting Traditional Business
- A Hierarchy Based on Accountability Horizon
- Responsibility Based on Process Activity Clusters
- Seeing the Processes Differently
- The E-Friendly Organization Structure
- Steps in New Organization Design
- Revisiting the Innovation Management Model
- The Potential of Cost Savings
- Conclusion: Rethinking the Fundamental Structure of the Company
- Part Two: Supporting Innovation
Part Three: Leading Innovation
12. Developing and Implementing Market-Focused Innovations
- Market-Focused Innovations
- From Idea to Launch
- Development Projects Are Projects
- Getting Ideas from the Market
- Designing the Innovation
- Teams: The Design Conundrum
- Involving External Development Resources
- Cost: The Final Frontier
- Broadening the Innovation Target Area
- Experimentation and Prototyping
- Preparing for the Physical Launch
- 13. Exploiting Market-Focused Innovations
- 14. Bridging the Gap between the Old and The New Economies
- 15. Toward the Future
12. Developing and Implementing Market-Focused Innovations
- Bibliography
- Index
- Copyright
Product information
- Title: Business of Innovation
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2001
- Publisher(s): AMACOM
- ISBN: 9780814413104
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