
Note: Figures, tables, screenshots and photographs are indicated by italic page numbers.

ABC Wildlife 150, 150

A/B testing 1378

activity displacement, by screen media 11415

adventure games 67

advertising networks 4950

advertising-supported game business model 4950

advisers 34

alpha milestones see production cycle

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 11314

Angry Birds 6, 149, 181, 218

animation, in e-book stories 200

appendices 2468

app intelligence services 58

apps, as digital libraries 198

artists 33

audience 4

audio engineers 34

audio files 1415, 152, 199, 2001

AutoRap 169

awards 240

babies and toddlers (ages 0–2) 718; AAP recommendations on screen media 113; associative play 75; developing screen media for 11517; examples ...

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