4.3 Linear Combinations and Independence of Vectors

In Example 5 of Section 4.2 we solved the homogeneous linear system

x1+3x215x3+7x4=0x1+4x219x3+10x4=02x1+5x226x3+11x4=0. (1)

We found that its solution space W consists of all those vectors x in R4 that have the form

x=s(3,4,1,0)+t(2,3,0,1). (2)

We therefore can visualize W as the plane in R4 determined by the vectors v1=(3,4,1,0) and v2=(2,3,0,1). The fact that every solution vector is a combination [as in (2)] of the particular solution vectors v1 and v2 gives us a tangible understanding of the solution space W of the system in (1).

More generally, we know from Theorem 2 in Section 4.2 that the solution set V of any m×n homogeneous linear system Ax=0 is a subspace of Rn. In order to ...

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