
Accepting responsibility for actions, 27

Accessibility, 26

Active listening, 54–55, 132. See also Listening

Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 163

Agenda, 57–58, 66

reviewing the, 58

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 163

Attitude, 3, 6–7

Behavior, 12

discussing behavior issues, 116

Being a supervisor and a technical expert, 9

“Big boss”, 1, 29

Body language, 54, 58

Brainstorming session, 59–60

rules for conducting, 60

Building a team, 38, 40, 123. See also Team development

challenge of, 123

Building respect, 22

Cadwell, Charles M., 105–106

Cellular technology, 66

Civil Rights Act, 163

Coaching, 91, 95

the process, 91

when to quit, 95

Coaching employees, 71–72, 88

vs. orientation and training, 88

Coaching situation, 88

key factors ...

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