
Abuse anger and history of, 132–133

background and extent of, 130–131

cycle of violence and, 139

verification of, 142

Acceptors, 98

Adaptational psychodynamics, 119


alcoholism as, 51–53

consequences of, 43

forms of denial regarding, 53–54

questions about, 43–44

styles of, 43


questions about, 40–41

theory addressing, 49

Adoptive families, 49

Affairs. See Extramarital affairs

Affective attunement, 60

Affective blindness, 119

Affective-cognitive interactions, 105

Affect theory, 120, 121

African Americans

gender and, 187

historical background of, 190–191

religious orientation of, 182

Agape, 105


anger and, 136–137

child sexual abuse and, 142

Alcohol abuse, 52–53

Alcohol dependence, 53

Alcoholics Anonymous, 51

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