Coding bean classes

The first class we will add is QuoteGenerated, which is an ApplicationScoped CDI bean that produces random quotes for a company every two seconds. Here's the code for this:

@ApplicationScopedpublic class QuoteGenerator {    private Random random = new Random();    @Outgoing("stock-quote")    public Flowable<String> generate() {       return Flowable.interval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)         .map(tick -> generateOrder(random.nextInt(2),           random.nextInt(5),   random.nextInt(100))); }    private String generateOrder(int type, int company, int amount) {       Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create();       Operation operation = new Operation(type, Company.values()        [company], amount);       return jsonb.toJson(operation);    }}

This class produces messages that will be written to ...

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