
Note: Page numbers followed by “b,” “f,” and “t” indicate boxes, figures, and tables respectively.

Adjusted Wald method, 104–108
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 141, 187
with Excel, 193b–194b
one-factor, 141
Excel, 142–144
setup for obtaining output, 150f, 153f
univariate dialog box, 149f
working, 141b–142b
one-factor repeated measures, 171f
SPSS output, 174f
univariate dialog box, 172f
one-factor within-subject, 173f
replication, 203b–204b
sequential testing, 187b–188b
“Anchoring and adjustment”, 136b
Backboard, 119–122, 251–257, 239–241, 265–269
correlation application to, 217–221
linear regression analysis, 232–234
multiple regression output for, 253f
data in Excel,

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