How ASP.NET Works with IIS 6.0
If you run your ASP.NET applications in IIS 6.0, you obtain a significant advantage over running your ASP.NET applications in IIS 5.0. For example, in IIS 5.0, you cannot isolate individual applications into their own worker processes; hence, if one ASP.NET application fails, it can affect all the other applications. IIS 6.0, however, provides a new architecture that allows you to isolate your ASP.NET applications without incurring a performance penalty.
Before you run ASP.NET applications on IIS 6.0, be sure that you understand how ASP.NET works with the two IIS 6.0 isolation modes. When running in IIS 5.0 isolation mode, ASP.NET uses its own request processing model and configuration settings in the Machine.config ...
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