


Variable Name:


Interface Name:




Implemented by:

Internal container-dependent class

JSP Page Type:

Available in both regular JSP pages and error pages, unless the page directive session attribute is set to false


The session variable is assigned a reference to the HttpSession object that represents the current client session. Information stored as HttpSession attributes corresponds to objects in the JSP session scope.

By default, the session persists for a time period specified in the web application deployment descriptor, across more than one page request from the user. The container can maintain a session in many ways, such as using cookies or rewriting URLs.

Interface Declarations

public interface HttpSession {

  public Object getAttribute(String name);
  public java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNames( );
  public long getCreationTime( );
  public String getId( );
  public long getLastAccessedTime( );
  public int getMaxInactiveInterval( );
  public void invalidate( );
  public boolean isNew( );
  public void removeAttribute(String name);
  public void setAttribute(String name, Object attribute);
  public void setMaxInactiveInterval(int interval);

  // Deprecated methods
  public HttpSessionContext getSessionContext( );
  public Object getValue(String name);
  public String[] getValueNames( );
  public void putValue(String name, Object value);
  public void removeValue(String name);


public Object getAttribute(String ...

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