advertising 5–8
agility 101–3, 119, 148–9, 150
cognitive 8–9
cultural 149
ICICI Bank 104–5
Infosys 106–10
PricewaterhouseCoopers 105, 106
as state of mind 111
willingness to learn 115
Allen, Paul 139
Álvarez, José-Luis 130
‘ambidextrous organisation’ 107
ArvinMeritor 132
Asia 117
AstraZeneca 141
Avon 16
Baker, Richard 138
Ballmer, Steve 142
Balls, Ed 30
Barrett, Craig 142
Birkinshaw, Julian 10
blogs 64–5
‘blue ocean strategy’ 105
boards of directors 62–3, 140–1, 142–3
Body Shop 139
bonuses 155
Boyatzis, Richard E. 76
brand building 65
Branson, Richard 139
Brown, Gordon 3
Buffett, Warren 52
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