

anomalous mortgage, 208

anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) measures, 138139

arbiloans, 506

Asset Backed Securitizations (ABS), 290

asset-based lending, 148, 162

for infrastructure, 162

asset class, 303

asset finance companies (AFC), 22

asset finance company (AFC), 623, 625

asset liability management, 625

assignment, 281

automated teller machines (ATM), 614, 717

automatic transfer from savings (ATS) ac-counts, 109

average yield, 172


balance sheet of banks, 470

Bancassurance, 654655

bank assets

cash and balances, 7879

fixed assets, 78

investments, 79

loans and advances, 79

residual assets, 80

bank capital regulation, 408, 450

Basel Accords I, II and III, 409

for capital raising, 441

bank credit, ...

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