images Index


Actual cost (AC), in earned-value management, 218

Actual cost of work performed (ACWP), in earned-value management, 214, 215, 217, 218

Ambiguous specifications, 141145

Articulating needs, 116; distortion of customer needs when, 132135; importance of, 135136; and inherent fuzziness of needs, 120122; of multiple customers, 125132; procedure for, 116118; solutions identified before, 123124

Authority: defined, 32; of project managers, 1819, 2932; types of, 3236

Autocratic management style, 7374

Auxiliary expenses, in budgets, 188, 189


Benefits, fringe, in budgets, 188

Block, R., 45, 245

Bosses: as element of full project environment, ...

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