Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, 64–66, 68
Dashpots, 382
Debutanized, 551–552
De-ethanizer, 551
Degassing, 165
methods for, 441, 465–474
phase behavior of, 442, 443f
sizing of absorbers for, 469–474, 469f–472f
uses of, 441
Demister separators
horizontal, 172t, 174–176, 175f
vertical, 171–174, 172t
Density, gas, 44
Depreciation costs, 686
Depressurization, 15
emergency measures design for, 306
emergency vapor, 318–319, 339–340
for methane hydrate production, 14f, 15
Depropanizer, 551

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