.Net Framework Essentials

Book description

.NET Framework Essentials is an objective, concise, and technical overview of the new Microsoft .NET Framework for developing web applications and services. Specifically written for intermediate to advanced VB, C/C++, Java, and Delphi developers, .NET Framework Essentials is also useful to system architects and leaders who are assessing tools for future projects. The authors devote special attention to the writing of .NET components plus web applications and services. This book takes on all of the most important .NET Framework topics--from the underlying Common Language Runtime (CLR) to its specialized packages for ASP.NET, Web Forms, Windows Forms, XML and data access (ADO.NET). The authors survey each of the major .NET languages, including VB.NET, C#, and Managed C++, as well as MSIL, the intermediate language understood by the CLR. They've included working code samples in every .NET language. Compact and free of fluff or proprietary hype, .NET Framework Essentials is an outstanding value for experienced programmers and architects who need to get up to speed quickly on a far-reaching new technology.

Table of contents

  1. .Net Framework Essentials
    1. Preface
      1. Audience
      2. About This Book
      3. Assumptions This Book Makes
      4. Conventions Used in This Book
      5. How to Contact Us
      6. Acknowledgments
    2. 1. .NET Overview
      1. Microsoft .NET
      2. The .NET Platform
      3. .NET Framework Design Goals
        1. Component Infrastructure
        2. Language Integration
        3. Internet Interoperation
        4. Simple Development
        5. Simple Deployment
        6. Reliability
        7. Security
      4. .NET Framework
    3. 2. The Common Language Runtime
      1. CLR Environment
      2. CLR Executables
        1. Hello, World: Managed C++
        2. Hello, World: C#
        3. Hello, World: VB.NET
        4. .NET Portable Executable File
      3. Metadata
        1. Type Libraries on Steroids
        2. Examining Metadata
        3. Inspecting and Emitting Metadata
        4. Interoperability Support
      4. Assemblies and Manifests
        1. Assemblies Versus Components
        2. Unique Identities
        3. IL Code
        4. Versioning
        5. Deployment
        6. Security
        7. Side-by-Side Execution
        8. Sharing and Reuse
        9. Manifests: Assembly Metadata
        10. Creating Assemblies
        11. Using Assemblies
      5. Intermediate Language (IL)
      6. The CTS and CLS
        1. The Common Type System (CTS)
          1. Value types
          2. Reference types
          3. Boxing and unboxing
          4. Classes, properties, indexers
          5. Interfaces
          6. Delegates
        2. The Common Language Specification (CLS)
      7. CLR Execution
        1. Class Loader
        2. Verifier
        3. JIT Compilers
        4. Execution Support and Management
      8. Summary
    4. 3. .NET Programming
      1. Common Programming Model
        1. System.Object
        2. Major Namespaces
      2. Core Features and Languages
        1. Managed C++ Code
        2. VB.NET Code
        3. C# Code
        4. Common Intermediate Language Code
      3. Language Integration
        1. Vehicle Class in Managed C++
        2. Car Class in VB.NET
        3. Plane Class in C#
        4. Test Driver in C#
      4. Summary
    5. 4. Working with .NET Components
      1. Deployment Options
        1. Private Components
          1. One-directory deployment
          2. Multiple-directory deployment
        2. Shared Components
          1. Generating a random key pair
          2. Making the vehicle component a shared assembly
          3. Making the car component a shared assembly
          4. Making the plane component a shared assembly
          5. Viewing the GAC
          6. Building and testing the drive.exe
          7. Adding new versions
      2. Distributed Components
        1. Distributed Hello Server
        2. Remote Hello Client
        3. Distributed Garbage Collector
      3. COM+ Services in .NET
        1. Attribute-Based Programming
          1. Developing custom attributes
          2. Using custom attributes
          3. Inspecting attributes
        2. Transactions
        3. Object Pooling
        4. Role-Based Security
          1. Configuring role-based security
          2. Programming role-based security
      4. Message Queuing
        1. Enqueue
        2. Dequeue
      5. Summary
    6. 5. Data and XML
      1. ADO.NET Architecture
      2. ADO.NET Benefits
        1. Interoperability
        2. Scalability
        3. Productivity
        4. Performance
      3. Content Components
        1. DataSet
          1. Creating a DataSet: An example in C#
          2. XML and Tables Sets
        2. DataTable
          1. Relations and constraints
        3. DataView
        4. DataRelation
      4. Managed Providers
        1. Connection
        2. The Command and Data Reader Objects
          1. Command execution
          2. The data reader object
        3. The DataAdapter Object
      5. DataSet and XML
        1. XML parsers
        2. XML Classes
          1. XmlNode and its derivatives
          2. XmlNodeList
          3. XmlNamedNodeMap
          4. XmlDocument
          5. XmlReader
          6. XmlWriter
          7. XslTransform
          8. XmlDataDocument
      6. Summary
    7. 6. Web Services
      1. Web Services in Practice
      2. Web Services Framework
        1. Web Services Architecture
        2. Web Services Wire Formats
          1. HTTP GET and HTTP POST
          2. SOAP
        3. Web Services Description (WSDL)
          1. WSDL Structure
        4. Web Services Discovery
          1. Static discovery
          2. Dynamic discovery
          3. Discovery setting in practice
          4. UDDI
        5. The System.Web.Services Namespace
      3. Web Services Provider
        1. Web Service Provider Example
          1. Web.Config
      4. Web Services Consumers
        1. HTTP GET Consumer
        2. HTTP POST Consumer
        3. Non-.NET Consumers
      5. Web Services and Security
        1. System Security
        2. Application Security
      6. Summary
    8. 7. Web Forms
      1. ASP
      2. ASP.NET
      3. The System.Web.UI Namespace
        1. Control Class
          1. Control’s properties
          2. Control class methods
        2. Page Class
          1. Page class properties and methods
        3. UserControl Class
        4. System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace
        5. System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace
      4. Web Form Syntax
        1. Directives
          1. @ Page
          2. @ Control
          3. @ Import
          4. @ Register
          5. @ Assembly
          6. @ OutputCache
        2. Code Declaration Blocks
        3. Code Rendering Blocks
        4. HTML-Control Syntax
        5. Custom-Control Syntax
        6. Data-Binding Expressions
        7. Server-Side Object Tags
        8. Other Elements
      5. ASP.NET Application Development
        1. Web Form Components
          1. Web Form events
        2. Lifecycle of a Web Form
          1. Configuration
          2. Events Handling
          3. Termination
        3. Server Controls
        4. Custom Server Controls
          1. Pagelets
          2. Control derivatives
        5. Event-Driven Programming
      6. ASP.NET and Web Services
        1. The WebService Directive
        2. The WebMethod Attribute
        3. Using Web Services
      7. Data Binding and the Use of Templates
        1. DataGrid
        2. DataList
        3. Repeater
      8. State Management and Scalability
        1. ASP.NET Session-State Management
          1. Out-of-process session-state management
          2. SQL Server session-state management
          3. Cookieless session-state management
        2. Performance versus Scalability and Reliability
      9. Summary
    9. 8. Windows Forms
      1. Introducing Windows Forms
      2. The System.Windows.Forms Namespace
        1. Control Class
        2. Form Class
          1. Extending existing controls
          2. Creating composite controls
        3. Application Class
      3. Windows Forms Development
        1. Windows Forms Application
        2. Windows Controls
          1. Adding controls onto the form
          2. Binding the event handler
          3. Data binding
          4. Arranging controls
        3. Visual Inheritance
        4. MDI Applications
      4. Windows Forms and Web Services
      5. Conclusion
    10. A. .NET Languages
      1. Microsoft-Supported Languages for .NET
      2. Third-Party Languages for .NET
    11. B. Common Acronyms
    12. C. Common Datatypes
      1. Usage
        1. ArrayList
        2. BitArray
        3. HashTable
        4. Queue
        5. SortedList
        6. Stack
    13. D. Common Utilities
      1. Assembly Generation Utility (al.exe)
      2. Assembly Registration Utility (gac.exe)
      3. MSIL Assembler (ilasm.exe)
      4. MSIL Disassembler (ildasm.exe)
      5. C++ Compiler (cl.exe)
      6. C# Compiler (csc.exe)
      7. Visual Basic Compiler (vbc.exe)
      8. PE File Format Viewer (dumpbin.exe)
      9. Type Library Exporter (tlbexp.exe)
      10. Type Library Importer (tlbimp.exe)
      11. XML Schema Definition Tool (xsd.exe)
        1. XDR to XSD
        2. XML to XSD
        3. Classes to XSD
        4. XSD to Classes
        5. XSD to DataSet
      12. Shared Name Utility (sn.exe)
      13. Web Service Utility (wsdl.exe)
    14. Index
    15. Colophon

Product information

  • Title: .Net Framework Essentials
  • Author(s): Thuan L. Thai, Hoang Lam
  • Release date: June 2001
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596001650