Locators in italics refer to figures and those in bold to tables. The acronym NLP is used to refer to neuro‐linguistic programming.

7 + or – 2 messages 149151

age, demographic change 2324, 30

agency 67; see also free will

airplane mode 71

Alvesson, M.: cultural change 3738; experience 115116, 124125; meaning‐making 7; meaning reconstruction 54; psychological safety 88

anchoring 4748, 9798

Anderson, Dean and Linda: conscious leaders 45, 12, 24; ego 4243, 44; mindset 94

anthropology 46

applied sociology 1921

Argyris, Chris 51

Aristotle Research Project (Google) 2526, 2729, 86

attitudes: emotional states 5556; free will 6768; mindset 101102; see also COACH state; CRASH state

audit: COACH state 132133; meta‐programmes 107 ...

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