

About mode, 322

access settings, 513

add-ins, for Oracle JDeveloper, 317-319

ADF, 275, 359, 381

Administer tab, 15-19, 396-398

administration, 396

Administration Portlets, 133-134

administrators, 97-99

AJAX, 198

All Metrics page, 446

Application Development Framework, 275, 359,381

application modules, 366

Application Server Control, 440-448

<Application Workspace>, 347

<Application Workspace>.java, 345-346

approval of content, 223-236

approval process, 227

item versioning, 237-240

working with rejected items, 236-240

approvers, 96-97, 226

ASC, 440-448

attributes, 113, 140

content, 22-23

display, 23-26

page groups, 222-223

that can be altered programmatically for base items, 257-259

Authenticated Users, 477


banners, 8

base ...

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