Raab, M., 322
Radnedge, K., 554
Ragaeli, A., 124
Raghavan, A., 47
Rajaratnam, Raj, 400
Rampton, J., 136
Randall, D. K., 629
Raspanti, J., 56
Rathblott, Ruth, 411
Raveendran, M., 514
Reagan, Ronald, 393
Reb, J., 637
Reineke, Kristen, 627
Richards, C., 234
Ries, Eric, 534
Rigby, D., 199
Ring, Cameron, 607
Ripley, A., 562
Ritholtz, B., 638
Robbins, S. P., 182
Rodell, J. B., 437
Rodgers, Aaron, 290
Rofcanin, Y., 476
Rokeach, Milton, 152
Rometty, Virginia, 5p
Rosen, B., 216
Rosenberg, Jonathan, 66
Rosenkrantz, S. A., 9
Roset, Marvin, 84
Ross, B., 543
Ross, J. W., 526
Rothschild, Mitch, 411
Rounds, J., 160
Rousseau, D. M., 476
Rubin, B. M., 25
Ruffenach, G., 160
Rumens, N. ...
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