Updating the mobile app template

In the last section, we have updated the desktop app. In this section, we are going to update the mobile app template with the toggle switch component. So, using this toggle switch, we can turn the smart socket on/off.

First, we are going to update the view-device template. Update mobile-app/src/pages/view-device/view-device.html, as follows:

<ion-header>    <ion-navbar>        <ion-title>Mobile App</ion-title>    </ion-navbar></ion-header><ion-content padding>    <div *ngIf="!lastRecord">        <h3 class="text-center">Loading!</h3>    </div>    <div *ngIf="lastRecord">        <ion-list>            <ion-item>                <ion-label>Name</ion-label>                <ion-label>{{device.name}}</ion-label>            </ion-item>            <ion-item>                <ion-label>Toggle LED</ion-label> <ion-toggle [(ngModel)]="toggleState" ...

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