Red Yellow Green: What Color is Your Money? The survival manual for gig workers and consultants

Book description

This is the book your boss does NOT want you to read!

Learn to escape corporate America. We live in a new era of disruption. It is possible to start a business with a laptop and an internet connection. As a long time consultant and entrepreneur, I have come up with a framework that works for me. Start plotting your escape today.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Why I wrote this book
    2. Your boss doesn’t want you to read this book
    3. Don’t leave success in the hands of others
    4. My Red, Yellow, Green numbers
    5. Planning your escape
    6. What success could look like
  2. Chapter 1: Revenue Strategy
    1. PEAR Revenue Model
    2. Passive Income
    3. Positive Experience
    4. Autonomy
    5. Exponential Potential
    6. Rule of 25% When Consulting
    7. How to be a good consultant
    8. What is better than one job? Ten jobs
    9. Work at Uber and Lyft
    10. Create an MRR (Monthly Reoccurring Revenue) Money Lake
  3. Chapter 2: Predator, Partner or Platform
    1. Predator
    2. Partner
    3. Platform
    4. Who should be your partner?
  4. Chapter 3: Growth Hacking in the Social Media Age
    1. How to grow your audience without tricks
    2. Build your brand
    3. Get Your First Consulting Client
  5. Chapter 4: YAGNI (You Ain’t Gonna Need It)
    1. Eliminating useless work
    2. Productivity Hacks
    3. Avoiding unproductive people
    4. Warning Signs of a Dysfunctional Business Partnership
    5. The Five Why’s Approach
  6. Chapter 5: How to get paid as a consultant
    1. Getting Paid
    2. Setting Terms for Payment
  7. Chapter 6: Remote Work
    1. Setting up a remote office
    2. Being a 10X worker for YOU
    3. Do you need that expensive mortgage or rent?
  8. Chapter 7: Passive Income with Publishing
    1. Publishing Strategy
    2. Publishing a Mainstream Book
    3. Creating a Book with Leanpub
    4. Publishing a Kindle Book
    5. Creating a course on Udemy
    6. Tools That Enhance Your Workflow
    7. Creating a course with MOOCs: Udacity, DataCamp or Coursera
  9. Chapter 8: Passive Income with Apps
    1. Building an app for the Apple Store
  10. Chapter 9: Passive Income with E-Commerce and SaaS
    1. Creating revenue with Shopify
  11. Chapter 10: Passive Income with Investing
    1. Index Funds
  12. Chapter 11: College and High School Students
    1. The Wounded Zebra Gambit
    2. Make Money While You Are In School
  13. Chapter 12: Optimizing the Company You Work At
    1. Working for Venture Capitol Funded Companies
    2. VC the VC

Product information

  • Title: Red Yellow Green: What Color is Your Money? The survival manual for gig workers and consultants
  • Author(s): Noah Gift
  • Release date: July 2020
  • Publisher(s): Pragmatic AI Labs
  • ISBN: None