Shortest paths algorithm finds the path between two vertices by starting at the source Vertex and then traversing the edges connecting the vertices to other vertices until it reaches the target vertex. The shortest paths algorithm works by exchanging messages between various vertices. Also this shortest paths algorithm is not directly a part of the Graph or GraphOps objects, rather must be invoked using lib.ShortestPaths():
scala>,Array(1)).vertices.join(users).take(10)res204: Array[(org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, (org.apache.spark.graphx.lib.ShortestPaths.SPMap, User))] = Array((4,(Map(1 -> 2),User(Liz,Doctor))), (6,(Map(1 -> 2),User(Beth,Accountant))), (8,(Map(1 -> 2),User(Mary,Cashier))), (10,(Map(1 ...