Chapter 5
Release and Sprint Planning
Developing the roadmap into release plans
Applying the scrum sprint cycle
Planning your sprints for maximum effectiveness
Creating a sprint goal and using the sprint backlog
Scrum is simple…and is purposefully incomplete… . Various processes, techniques and methods can be employed within the framework. Scrum wraps around existing practices or renders them unnecessary.
So far, you have a product goal, a product roadmap, and a scrum team. Release and sprint planning is really where the rubber hits the road. As we’ve mentioned before, with scrum, you’ll do just as much planning as in traditional models, but with scrum, it’s more focused, continuous, results-oriented, and packaged such that you’ll wonder how you ever managed your planning without it.
In this chapter, you find out how to plan the product’s release in a logical and organized way. The purpose of release planning is to mobilize the wider product team around a specific set of functionality that the organization wants to release to the marketplace. This ...
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