Microsoft Access – non-deterministic finalization
None – PageSetupDialog
None, Dock, 40
non-modal display
Button, 111
Show, 106
NOT, field to value comparison, 406
NotifyIcon, 479
Now, DateTime, 190
property accessors, 275
references, 430
nullable data types, 473
LINQ to SQL, 429430
Nullable, LINQ to SQL
Properties window, 427
Source, 432
number, methods, 244
NumberStyles.Any, 136, 263, 473
numeric formats, 179–180
custom, 180
NumericUpDown, 24, 146–147, 230, 479
O, round trip format character, 181
, 314
GetHashCode, 314
Object Browser, 323
object, data type, 129
classes, 104, 269
constructors, 290–292
destructors, 292–294
initialization, 289–300
parameterless constructors, 296
LINQ, 409421
references, 105
ToolStrip, 68
ToString, 178
Offset submenu, 57
1GL, 4
OpenFileDialog, 89, 90, 97, 479
directories, 92
FileName, 91
properties, 95
operands, operators, 137
operators, 137–145
arithmetic, 137–139
assignment, 142
binary, overloading, 313
bitwise, 142–143
comparison, 141
overloading, 314
compound assignment, 142, 470
logical, 139–140
operands, 137
overloading, 311–318, 473
precedence, 143–145
string, 140–141
unary, overloading, 312
OR, field to value comparison, 406
Oracle, 397, 426
order by clause, 473
LINQ, 416
Order, Format menu, 29
Orientation, StackPanel, 459
out, parameters, 246
OutOfBounds, event handlers, 278–280
overloading, 473
binary operators, 313
comparison operators, 314
ContainsText, 375
GetText, 375
methods, 83
classes, 301
operators, 311–318, 473
unary operators, 312
overriding methods, 473
classes, 302–304
IntelliSense, 302
ToString, 303, 333
SaveFileDialog, 96
P, percent format character, 179
PadLeft, string, 176
PadRight, string, 176
PageSetupDialog, 89, 479
multi-dimensional arrays, 198199
Multiline, 38, 205
multimedia, WPF, 450
multiple inheritance, interfaces, 319–320
MySQL, 397, 426
N, currency format character, 179
\n, escape sequence, 132
N factorial, 243
LINQ to SQL Properties window, 427
New Project, 6
Name, 25
DirectoryInfo, 352
DriveInfo, 350
FileInfo, 354
properties, 272
ToolStripMenuItem, 58
WPF, 453
controls, 20, 23–24
interfaces, 320
namespace, 260, 319, 371, 473
nameTextBox, Modifiers, 119
if decision statements, 222–223
nested scope, 166–167
.NET Framework, 3
Debug, 260
dialogs, 90
runtime libraries, 9
classes, 104
forms instance, 105
new(), generic constraints, 333
New Project, 5–9
, 169
CancelButton, 169
next, for loops, 230
nextPageNum, 362
nibbles, 128, 473
non-deterministic finalization, 293, 473
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