

AAPCS (Procedure Call Standard for ARM Architecture), 196
assembly code and C program interactions, 161
double-word stack alignment, 196
Access port (AP), 236
AFSR (Auxiliary Fault Status Register), 133, 341
AHB (Advance High-performance Bus), 94, 101, 111, 200
AHB-AP, 256–257
AHB-to-APB, 107, 112
in BE-8 Big Endian mode, 100, 101
Bus-Matrix, 111, 112
error responses, causes, 128
in word-invariant big endian, 100, 101
AIRCR (NVIC Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register), 120, 122, 337
AMBA (Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture), 111, 234
APB (Advance Peripheral Bus), 107, 109
APB-AP, 236
API (Application Programming Interface), 133, 184
APSR (Application Program Status Register), 33, 76
flag bits for conditional branches, ...

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