

agency theory, 52

America Business Collaboration for Quality Dependent Care (ABC), 32

Anderson, Ray, 38, 39

assessment. See social accounting; stakeholder audits

assumptions, in Dialogue process, 107

audit committees/task forces, 171, 178

Axelrod, Dick, 105

Axelrod, Emily, 105

BankBoston, 35

Barrett, Richard, 34, 42

baseline assessment, 117118, 167, 174, 176177

Bausch & Lomb Inc., 81

BC Hydro, 57

Ben and Jerry’s Homemade, Inc., 123124, 151, 152, 177178

benchmarking best practices, 117118, 174

benefits for unmarried partners of employees, 13

best practices, benchmarking, 117118, 174

Block, Peter, 52

The Body Shop, 8, 12, 151, 183

social audit, 154155

Bohm, David, 106

Boundaryless Organization, The, 87

Boutilier, Robert, 57

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